Primarily the nature of Desire is to draw a person towards objects which give pleasure and repel from those giving pain. This drawing or repelling indicates the presence of power which has been found to be the same as Willpower. There is hence no essential difference between Desire and Will. The difference that we notice lies in the fact that in the case of the desire the power of the Self is drawn out by external objects and is dependent upon attractions and repulsions. In the case of Will, however, it goes out independently without any stimulus from outside us and is something determined by the self.
This important identity of nature in the case of Desire and Will is visible by the two important facts which can be observed by anyone. Firstly because of the fact that both carry within them the power of having accomplished. The second fact serves to bring out the essential identity of desire and that Will is the merging of desire into will, by which it is purified and becomes freed from the contamination on account of the Personal Self.
It is the dross of the personal self which converts will into desire and when this dross is burnt up, the pure gold of Will would remain.
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