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Showing posts from June, 2017

Indianabacus Weat Bengal

Activate your child’s hidden potential PUMS Kothavasal

Activate your child’s hidden potential PUMS Kothavasal

Let the child enjoy the CHILDHOOD

In a recently published article on Childhood facing crisis, the author of the column tried to analyse the problems that led to childhood quality getting worsened in the last few decades. The author says the innocence of childhood is poisoned by junk food, competitive schooling & excessive dependence on electronic equipment; add to it too easy lifestyle. A major percentage of children does not have the opportunity even to walk to school or for any other chores. In the name of ease and comfort, the child is denied the opportunity to use his potential — physical and mental. While pre-war years of the 20th century witnessed poorly nourished children due to low family incomes, the current situation supersedes by another type of malnutrition — eating of unhealthy food. The author at the end suggests three ways to turn the table to olden days- "Consider whether it is really necessary to live life at top speed? Taking less puritanical view of idleness & extend the school-j...

Desire and the Will

Primarily the nature of Desire is to draw a person towards objects which give pleasure and repel from those giving pain. This drawing or repelling indicates the presence of power which has been found to be the same as Willpower . There is hence no essential difference between Desire and Will. The difference that we notice lies in the fact that in the case of the desire the power of the Self is drawn out by external objects and is dependent upon attractions and repulsions. In the case of Will, however, it goes out independently without any stimulus from outside us and is something determined by the self.  This important identity of nature in the case of Desire and Will is visible by the two important facts which can be observed by anyone. Firstly because of the fact that both carry within them the power of having accomplished. The second fact serves to bring out the essential identity of desire and that Will is the merging of desire into will, by which it is purified and becom...

Developing Competence in Small children

Three basic areas of the development are:   To form & sustain relationships   To regulate emotions & behaviour   To co-operate in a pro-social manner with others  Development of social interaction skills:  A child's attachment to a caregiver and caregiver's loving interest and involvement with the child influence the child's sense of self & interactions with others. Adults also provide models & verbal guidelines that influence children's social interest and understanding. Poorly regulated & aggressive children are more likely to have parents, who use power assertive or inconsistent discipline strategies. Parents should provide opportunities to children in participating in positive social interactions.  Development of emotional & behavioural control:  Children who have the warm and secure relationship with their teachers exhibit fewer behavioural problems  A balance of warmth...

We Teach (Classroom Management) ?

We Teach (Classroom Management)  Balancing students of different age groups  Practicing variety of activities to reduce monotony  Developing Creative Teaching Strategies to enhance interest  Implementing Discipline with Dignity  Developing the sense of responsibility of learning on the learner  Indian Abacus R & D Foundation

Drink Fruit & Vegetables?

Drinking fruit and vegetable juices on a regular basis reduces the chances of developing Alzheimer's diseas e, according to the latest study report. Researchers in Japan and the US had studied 2000 people for 10 years monitoring the consumption of fruit and vegetable juices. The risk of Alzheimer's was down by 76% for those who drank juices more - three-or-more times a week in comparison with those who drank less than once in a week.  -Indian Abacus R&D Foundation

Indian Abacus prize distribution ceremony to the winners in Indian Abacus National Level Competition held on 6th May 2017

# IndianAbacus   # CMD ’s Speech on the  # VidhyabyaasAcademy , kolathur, Uma Maheswari Nagar -10.6.2017 Mr. K. Siva Kumar Director, Medpro Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd, Dignitaries on the dais, Indian Abacus Franchisee, Mr. Krishna Moorthy, Vidhyabyaas Academy, Kolathur, Chennai Mrs. Uma Maheswari, parents of Indian Abacus students and the students of the centre - I am indeed happy to be present on the occasion of the PRIZE DISTRIBUTION CEREMONY TO THE WINNERS IN INDIAN ABACUS NATIONAL LEVEL ABACUS AND MENTAL ARITHMETIC COMPETITION HELD ON 6TH MAY 2017 AT CHENNAI CONVENTION CENTER, CHENNAI, TAMILNADU. Vidhyabyaas Academy, as many of you know, belongs to the first group of the centres started by Indian Abacus. Since then the centre had steadily grown to the size it has now reached. Mrs Uma Maheswari, Director deserves appreciation over the way she has been bringing up the centre. The centre has produced hundreds of students who have undergone the program. The centre has ...